Monday, 20 February 2012

Tv antenna from coat hanger

Rabbit ears are for rabbits, not digital televisions.
In this project, I’ll show you how to build your
own digital TV antenna from wire hangers, a piece
of wood and some pipe.

A simple flying blimp

Do you love Helium ballons , if so do u like them to do air voyage lets try this ballon blimp that flots to keep fun

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Unusual uses of Butter

Are you bored of eating butter lets try something else , what a butter can do

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Unusual uses of Tennis balls

What more can you make out of a worn tennis ball which cannot be further used for playing  you may end  it in garbage or give it to your dog but there are several amazing ways it can be used and these are few of them:

Saturday, 11 February 2012

How to bring life to dead sea urchins

Last week we came across these tiny sea urchin shells at a beach shop, thin and light as eggshells. What to do with them? Light them up with LEDs, of course!

We've seen sea urchin lamps before, but they've always been made with large (i.e., sturdy) and colorful ones. In contrast, these tiny ones might be better to hang around christmas lights like little paper lanterns.

Just a throwie sans magnet (Urchie?), tucked into the shell. Each one has a hole in the bottom large enough to fit a pretty good size LED, although not necessarily the battery as well.
 The natural beauty and structure of these shells is amazing; they must have been even more beautiful when they were alive.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

How to make a fingerless glove using old socks

I Hope we all like a stylish fingerless glove, it looks fashion and fun to wear on a bike ride, boxing and on winter so lets try to make one from household scrap , but all u should have is time , a sewing machine if u know to sew or a good sewer who can sew for u and a good shade of socks

Step 1

Cut the toe section off of the socks. Depending on the length of the stockings, you may have enough for 2 pair as

Step 2

Using a straight stitch on sewing machine, sew a backwards check mark through both layers. sew a little more than 2" on the long side -- you can use your own hand to determine exactly how long you want that seam.

Tip: if you're using dark socks, and you want to mark  your stitch line before sewing, a sliver of dry soap makes a great marking tool.

Step 3

Cut just outside the seam you just sewed, and then cut off the top of the thumb.

I wanted a more rustic look, so I sewed the outside, leaving the seam visible. If you would like to hide the seam, turn the stocking inside out to sew.

Step 4

While stretch knits won't ravel if left unfinished,  and bottom edges with a simple overcast stitch on  sewing machine. 
And if u spare some good time u can make a good one